min read time
September 4, 2023

ELISA is now Sprii: A new chapter in Live Shopping

ELISA is changing to Sprii, and there are many great reasons for this. Read this article to learn exactly why.

ELISA is now Sprii: A new chapter in Live Shopping
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When we first christened our venture as ELISA, we envisioned an intimate world of shopping, where connection and experience would be paramount. And for a long time, ELISA served us well, capturing the essence of our early days. But, as with any great story, change is the only constant.

As we stand at this pivotal moment in our journey, we find ourselves on the cusp of an evolution. Our aspirations have grown, much like a fledgling bird that matures, ready to leave the security of its nest. We are now poised to spread our wings, soar higher, and explore territories uncharted.

But to do so, we need a brand that isn’t just a representation but an embodiment of our ambitions. A brand that can keep pace with our vision of pushing the envelope and bringing about transformative changes in the world of retail, e-commerce, and live shopping. A name that gives us the room to stretch, dream, and achieve. Enter Sprii.


Why Sprii? It's simple. Sprii isn't just a name; it's an emotion. It evokes feelings of growth, movement, and momentum. It encapsulates our journey – a journey where we have matured from being merely an innovative product to an innovative tech powerhouse. A journey where we aren't just following trends, but are spearheading a seismic shift in the way businesses and customers interact in the e-commerce sphere. Sprii represents our unwavering commitment to challenge, disrupt, and redefine - whether it’s the traditional norms of e-commerce or the established pathways of brick-and-mortar shopping.

"For a long time, ELISA served us well, capturing the essence of our early days. But, as with any great story, change is the only constant."

We’re not just part of the e-commerce world; we’re leading a movement. A movement that aims to re-imagine the very essence of shopping. We dream of a world where the lines between digital and physical blur, where the excitement of live shopping becomes an integral part of the day-to-day retail experience. Our goal? To make Sprii synonymous with live shopping.

While "Let’s Google it" became a phrase of the digital age, we're laying the groundwork for Sprii to be the word on everyone's lips when they think of live shopping. Ambitious? Of course. But we’ve always dreamed big.


Our aspiration with Sprii is not just to be another name in the industry. We are here to lead, to become the go-to hub for all things related to live shopping. We don’t just want to be a marketplace; we aim to be the enabler. A full-service ecosystem that facilitates, nurtures, and amplifies the essence of live shopping.

Read: Most frequently asked questions about the new Sprii brand

In Sprii, we see a reflection of our evolved self – a brand that matches our global ambitions, one that embodies our passion, and one that resonates with our commitment to redefining shopping experiences.

"Sprii isn't just a name; it's an emotion. It evokes feelings of growth, movement, and momentum."

So, as we bid adieu to ELISA and embrace Sprii, we invite you to be a part of this exciting new chapter. It’s not just a rebranding; it’s a revolution. Join us as we Sprii our way into the future, crafting unparalleled shopping experiences and setting new benchmarks for the world to follow.

Let the journey of Sprii begin!

Nikolai Aas Pedersen
Sprii Founder

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